1 rue de l'Outre 67000 Strasbourg
About us


My vocation is
defend your rights

Since 2010, I have been advising and assisting you before the criminal, civil and administrative courts, as well as before the European Court of Human Rights.

I have acquired solid qualifications and experience in international and European human rights law, in order to advise and represent you before the European Court of Human Rights and United Nations bodies.

In 2016, I was honored to receive the Strasbourg Bar Association Prize for my commitments to the defense and promotion of Human Rights. 

As a member of the Conseil de l’Ordre and an expert with the Council of Europe, I am involved in human rights defense, awareness-raising and training missions in France and abroad.

Combative, assiduous and attentive to those who seek my help, my vocation is to defend your rights.

Julien Martin Avocat devant la CEDH
Julien Martin au téléphone

My story

2020 –

Member & Chairman of the Human Rights Commission

Member of the Strasbourg Bar Council and Chairman of the Human Rights Commission since January 2022.

2019 –

Expert to the Council of Europe

European training program “Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals” (HELP) Mediterranean.

2016 –

Strasbourg Bar Association Prize

Awarded for its commitment to defending and promoting human rights.

2016 –

Graduate of the IIDH – René Cassin Foundation

Diploma in International Human Rights Law from the International Institute of Human Rights (IIDH).

2015 –

Master in European Human Rights Law

Master 2 Human Rights – Protection of human rights in Europe and proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights.

2009 –

Certificate of aptitude for the legal profession

Initial training at the Ecole Régionale des Avocats du Grand Est in Strasbourg.

2006 –

Master in Litigation Law

Litigation law (civil, criminal and administrative proceedings),
Litigation in international and European human rights law.

Would you like to consult a lawyer?

Close to clients wherever they may be, Julien MARTIN’s Strasbourg-based law firm is versatile, accessible and resolutely international. 

The art of pleading

Discover some of the pleadings of Julien MARTIN, winner of international pleading competitions.

Mémorial Caen-Normandie
Caen Memorial

Caen - 2015

Back in pictures

Discover Julien MARTIN’s plea in the Human Rights pleading competition organized by the Caen Memorial.

Winner of the 2015 edition.

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